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Application Template - USE THIS WHEN YOU APPLY!

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Application Template - USE THIS WHEN YOU APPLY! Empty Application Template - USE THIS WHEN YOU APPLY!

Post  Jackazz Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:16 pm

We urge applicants to use this Q&A form. Feel free to copy paste it into your application and fill out the blanks. Thank you.

1a) Character Name:
1b) Class:
1c) Race:
1d) Your age:
1e) Your nationality:

2a) How many of our 6 weekly raids will you be able to join? (4/6, 5/6, or 6/6)
2b) Will your activity likely change in the near future? And if so, why? (6 months, atleast)
2c) N/A
2d) List your endgame raiding experience - which endgame bosses have you downed?

2e) In short, decribe your current talent build and gear - provide a link if possible with appropriate gear equipted - (hybrids should also list other gear).

2f) In short, tell us abit about yourself:

3a) What server are you applying from?
3b) List your previous endgame raiding guilds
3c) What made you leave your previous guilds?
3d) List people we can contact for references (preferably GM, or officers) by (server, guild, nickname):

4a) Are you willing to wipe on a boss countless times in one night without whining about it?
4b) Are you willing to use obsence amounts of gold in one night on consumables and repairs pushing an encounter?
4c) Are you willing to dedicate several hours a week offline, studying tactics on new encounters?
4d) If you for some unforgivable reason come unprepared for a new encounter not knowing the tactics, what do you do?

4e) In what way did you learn about Doa?
4f) Do you know any current nam members Doa?

5a) How much time do you spend on PvP each week?
5b) Are you able to bring all the nessecery (and sometimes even unneccesary) potions, elixirs, flasks, oils, cooking food, etc. without having to skip raids?
3e) Do you have a mic and do you know how to use it?:
5c) When we have considered your application and find you of interest to our guild, which char should we mail/contact ingame for further information?

Is there anything further you'd like to add or comment on?


Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-07-12

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